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Customer Voice

Animated Data Visualization, 2017/18

As Autodesk moves toward a digital direct purchase model, the online experience we deliver is crucial for conversion and retention. I worked closely with the Customer Experience team to conceptualize and create an engaging  data visualization display to drive such empathy & understanding for customer experience across the global Autodesk company. I found this project to be personally rewarding as previous research I had conducted showed how many employees felt a disconnect between their everyday work and the success of the customer.


Final outcome - an animated visualization display


How might we broaden the visibility of customer research and emphasize its importance, to increase our focus as a company on human centered design and make our products more lovable? I collaborated with a small team of fellow Autodeskers from across various departments to tackle this very problem.

Design thinking

We set up a Creative Matrix workshop to generate a wide set of solutions by mixing concepts across major personas and result criteria. After dot voting for our favorite concepts, we clustered by theme and discussed the results. We finished the exercise with importance-difficulty mapping in order to align on impact and cost as well as to quickly move the project closer to realization.


Results from from our brainstorming and voting exercise.


Results from our importance-difficulty mapping exercise. Red circles indicate the two concepts we decided to focus on.


After deciding upon two routes to take the group split into two focus groups. I joined the group that would utilize customer quotes and supplementary data to reach our goal. In order to maximize visibility, we decided upon the office's floor-to-ceiling monitor display as our canvas. I spearheaded data design and web development efforts.


First lo-fi sketching (Procreate) of dashboard after initial requirement gathering with stakeholders

Higher fidelity mockup (Illustrator) and animation of the quotes to represent a feeling of closeness with the customer as community (After Effects)


Final design with stakeholder approval before web development start


After aligning on a final design and interaction prototype, we began development. We used Flask as the development framework, the Highchart javascript library for standard graphs, and vanilla javascript for the animation of the quote bubbles.

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